Paws4Life, Inc.

~ 6/13/18 ~ An award presented by my employer for my work with Paws4Life, Inc. What an honor to be recognized! This is for all the kitties and everyone who has supported us and our mission!!

Please visit our Facebook page and Like us so you can stay up to date on all of the kitties.

1 day ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Man alive, another 5 πŸŽ‰ More littles who recently benefited from your contributions to our spay/neuter fund πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬›

Stopping the cycle, this can only be good for the neighborhood ❣️

Have you been considering donating to a worthy cause? Your tax-deductible donation to our spay/neuter fund "A Stitch In Time Saves 9" will help us be able to help more community cats, & will make a positive impact! Please send your donation via PayPal to: [email protected]

{Some of the kitties that are trapped to be spayed/neutered become available for adoption through their rescuer. If you're interested in meeting or adopting any of the cats, please send us a FB message & we'll point you in the right direction. Located in Charlotte, NC}

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2 days ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Oh my!! Another box of goodies arrived yesterday for the kitties & it didn't take long for Cheddar to find the catnip banana 🍌 Thank you so much to the wonderful supporter who sent this πŸ™β£οΈ

~ {Cheddar is sponsored by Jeanette Mendoza & by Stefanie & Diana Comerford} ~

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5 days ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Little Monster (still unsure on name) is doing great! He's learning to respect his feline elders & just having a ball being a kitten 🐾❣ ...

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1 week ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Ooops, you did it again πŸŽ‰ A big loud ROAR for these little furry four who recently benefited from your contributions to our spay/neuter fund 🐈🐈🐈🐈

Thank you, thank you for helping us stop the cycle πŸ™

Have you been considering donating to a worthy cause? Your tax-deductible donation to our spay/neuter fund "A Stitch In Time Saves 9" will help us be able to help more community cats, & will make a positive impact! Please send your donation via PayPal to: [email protected]

{Some of the kitties that are trapped to be spayed/neutered become available for adoption through their rescuer. If you're interested in meeting or adopting any of the cats, please send us a FB message & we'll point you in the right direction. Located in Charlotte, NC}

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1 week ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Slow introductions in progress & all is going as expected so far πŸ’™πŸ’œ

~ {Sally is sponsored by Kay Hale & by Stefanie & Diana Comerford} ~

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2 weeks ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ She never lets him wander too far πŸ§‘πŸΎπŸ’œ

~ {Cheddar is sponsored by Jeanette Mendoza & by Stefanie & Diana Comerford & Kiki is sponsored by another of our wonderful supporters} ~

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2 weeks ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Chilling this morning before it, once again, becomes unbearable out πŸ–€πŸ§‘

~ {Bug is sponsored by Shelly McBurney & Jennifer Mendoza ~ Jerry is sponsored by Kelly Dua & by Jennifer Mendoza} ~

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2 weeks ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ A big shout out & thank you to Frankie's feline sponsor LuLu for sending these goodies for him & his furriends πŸ™πŸŽ‰ It's LuLu's birthday this month & she wanted to celebrate it with the P4L gang. Happy Purrthday to you, LuLu πŸΎπŸŽŠπŸŽ‚ ...

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2 weeks ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ We want to share a story with you about a community cat who was rescued off the streets recently & given the name Lucky.

On Friday, June 14th, during his workday, a man saw a stray cat that appeared to have a very noticeable growth on his mouth. Not being in a position at the moment to do anything, he snapped a couple of pictures &, once home later that day, posted them on social media along with the location hoping someone would be able to do something.

A community cat caregiver, Tina, works endlessly doing the hands-on work of TNR around the Charlotte area & in doing so, she unfortunately sees a lot of suffering as well. She saw the man's post & joined in on the comment thread to see if anyone was offering to get kitty any help. It seems many people in the neighborhood saw & knew of him, but no one ever did anything. In the comments on the post, some people offered to contribute towards a vet visit, & thankfully, a lady offered to try to catch him & if successful, Tina could get him to a vet for an exam. Did Tina really have the extra time or room to take in another foster, especially one that needed medical attention? No! But she also couldn't turn a blind eye or let him suffer any longer.

On Sunday, June 16th, Tina went & brought the kitty home & was able to have him seen by a vet on Monday. The vet believed it was an aggressive cancer (like many did, including us) & felt that likely nothing could be done, but did a needle aspiration to get confirmation. Noticeably, though, through all he had gone through up to that point, he was surprisingly a very friendly & chill cat. A scan was done to check for a microchip while at the vet & would you believe he had one?? It seems he had been neutered through a TNR program of the Humane Society of Charlotte back in 2019 (something called Feral Lift Community - and he was named "Lift"), but there wasn't an active caretaker. They just did TNR in communities & apparently this guy had somehow survived through the years, albeit his survival becoming compromised as time went on & the tumor grew.

At his vet appt he was given pain meds & antibiotics & Tina took him back home to get him settled while they waited for needle aspiration results. He was still terribly filthy & matted from not being able to properly groom for (likely) years, but he seemed to appreciate the soft place to finally lay his head & relax.

On June 19th Tina got word of the needle aspiration which did NOT show the aggressive cancer cells, but a lot of inflammatory & bacterial cells. Next step was to get a good portion of it sent off for biopsy.

On June 21st he went back to the vet to have a biopsy done & the vet was actually able to take the whole mass out! And because the vet was feeling bad for him, decided to go ahead & shave him. Oh how much better he had to feel after this appt!! Tina (and all those who were following his story) were SO thrilled, this is when she gave him the name Lucky! And it was beginning to look like he might have the chance at a longer & better quality life!

On July 2nd Tina learned that the biopsy results came back showing the mass features were indicative of a granular cell tumor, but that were otherwise inconclusive. An additional stain was needed to further rule out an atypical mast cell tumor & results of that are currently pending.....

Since his surgery on June 21st, his energy level seems to have waned a bit, so Tina took him in today for follow up bloodwork & we'll see what they show. He is eating good, though, & is now 8 lbs (up from 6.4). How LUCKY was he indeed, that there was a 'Someone' who finally did something?!

We don't know what Lucky's future looks like, but we sure know he deserves to live the rest of his life being loved, spoiled, & taken care of. If you've been thinking about giving a cat in need a loving forever home, feel free to message us to inquire further (we may consider a lifetime foster arrangement).

~ {Pics include descriptions & because of the graphic nature, we've covered the majority of the tumor in the closeup photos. Except for first pic, all photos are Tina's.} ~

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2 weeks ago

Paws4Life, Inc.

~ Cheddar Update: He did well for his biopsy & is home & resting. Pain meds & antibiotics on board. They did find a mass of soft tissue which they took off to send for testing (circled in photos). Osteomyelitis is the initial thought, but we hope to have definitive results in 10-14 days. We'll update once the results are back & we know more, & we thank you for all your good thoughts & prayers ❣

~ {Cheddar is sponsored by Jeanette Mendoza & by Stefanie & Diana Comerford} ~

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